December 2022

Home office desk setup 2022

24 February 2022
russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine

16 February 2022

Started working at the VistaCreate company

Role and responsibilities:

  • Make completely new app Home screen
  • Write unit tests for cover app business logic
  • Build an app with a modular architecture
  • Work with analytics services Firebase, AppsFlyer, Iterable
  • Implement A/B tests

January 2022

Finished working at the Clowder company

Role and responsibilities:

  • Create clones (copies) of the Core product
  • Add customizations to the clones and enable/disable product modules
  • Integrate user profile with custom fields to the clones of the Core product
  • Work with Git by GitFlow methodology, resolve merge conflicts
  • Support existing apps and update to the latest Core version
  • Create proposals and make changes in the Core product

March 2021

Home office setup 2021, MacBook Air M1 is 🔥

10 February 2021

Started working at the CoachNow company. It's a part-time fully remote job.

Main responsibility here is to support the CoachNow app (iOS and iPadOS) and add new features. It's an app with a long history (8+ years) and mixed codebase (Objective-C and Swift) with a lot of dependencies.

October 2020
Apple unleashes M1 💻

16 March 2020

Started working as an iOS Developer at the Clowder company. First fully remote job.
My mission here is to support 50+ iOS apps.

March 2020

Finished working at the App Dev Academy.
Worked there for more than 4 years as Software Developer, participated in development, publication, and support of 10+ iOS apps and one macOS app.

Role and responsibilities:

  • Create apps from scratch and design apps architecture
  • Create user interface with Storyboards and XIB files
  • Use UIKit and create custom UI components
  • Design a database architecture and use CoreData framework
  • Write code on Swift programming language
  • Implement networking layer - REST API
  • Integrate third-party dependencies (Firebase, Crashlytics, etc.)

2020 - Coronavirus 🦠

July 2019


My daughter was born
It's an incredible feeling to be a father

June 2019

Started working on the - "Look Up"
Native iOS app, written in Swift. Used API on remote server for receive a list of products and perform search by query or filters.

24 December 2018

My University

Started a new personal project - My University web service and API on Rails framework.
In this day, I made my first commit 🎉

Technical info:
- iOS app written in Swift
- User interface created with Storyboards and SwiftUI
- MVC architecture (with Dependency Injection)
- URLSession for network requests to REST API
- CoreData as offline storage
- Ruby On Rails for backend

March 2017

Started working on the iOS app - PROVEIT
TechCrunch about PROVEIT - Bet money on yourself with Proveit, the 1-vs-1 trivia app

Technical info:
- Written in Swift
- Cocoapods as dependency manager
- MVC architecture
- User interface created with Storyboards and XIB files
- Apple Pay and Push Notifications integration
- Third-party integrations: Firebase, Crashlytics

Role and responsibilities:
- Design app architecture and create app from scratch
- Implement networking layer - REST API
- Implement custom UI

July 2016 - February 2017
Some other small apps for iOS

July 2016

Started working on a new iOS app - Chronograph
In-house application (App Dev Academy) with time tracking and task management.

My role:
- Design an architecture and create an app from scratch
- Design a database architecture and use CoreData framework
- Implement custom layout of the "timer" and "clock"
- iPad version of the app
- Shared codebase between iOS and macOS versions of the app
- Integration of Analytics and In-App purchases

June 2016


The main challenges:
- Implement sync with remove API and store data on the device using CoreData
- Implement UI with charts and iPad support

March 2016

Started working on a new macOS app - Chronograph
In-house application (App Dev Academy) with time tracker that allows you to work by “Pomodoro technique” and plan your tasks.

Role and responsibilities:
- Design an architecture and create an app from scratch
- Design a database architecture and use CoreData framework
- Implement background sync with a remote server via the REST API
- Swift codebase and third-party dependencies
- Implement "statistics screen" on the SwiftUI
- Integration of Analytics and In-App purchases

January 2016

Started working with App Dev Academy, a small company of people from Sumy, Ukraine.

January 2016

Started working on the SumDU
This is the first iOS app, published in the App Store, that I'm working on.
Souce code on GitHub - sumdu-ios

For me, the main challenge here was to implement a custom navigation bar with nice and smooth animation. And implement a custom layout for the iPad version of the app.

January 2016

Finished working at bvblogic, 3 years and 7 months
I build websites on PHP programming language, using frameworks such as Laravel, Kohana, Codeigniter, Yii. Also, I used CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, and Bootstrap for the frontend.
First experience of building and supporting commercial projects.

June 2014 - Apple has announced the Swift programming language

20 February 2014
russia began its annexation of Crimea

December 2013

I bought my first MacBook! 🎉
It's a 13 inch MacBook Pro with Mac OS Mavericks on the board. It was a really HUGE event for me.

July 2013

I bought my first iPhone!
It was a used iPhone 3GS in white color

July 2012

Started working as a Web Developer at bvblogic


Bachelor of Computer Science

Received a bachelor's degree at Sumy State University

2011 - 2012

Senior Laboratory

I worked as a Java developer at "Laboratory of distance learning" at Sumy State University. I made simple training apps for students on Java and an internal framework. Also, I converted Microsoft Word documents to HTML pages as part of my job there.

September 2009

Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology

Started studying "Computer Science" at Sumy State University

July 2009

Junior Specialist

Finished studying at technical college in Konotop by specialty "Service of computer and intelligent systems and networks"

June 29, 2007
first iPhone released

2007 - 2008

Laboratory Technician

At college, my job was to configure, maintain and update PCs on Windows 98 and XP. Also, I helped students to make their homework done.


Faculty of Electronics and Information Systems

I begin studying at technician college in Konotop city, Ukraine


Intel 486 Notebook

With MS-DOS operating system and Norton Commander. It was already old and outdated at that time. I still have this notebook somewhere.

July 1990

When it's all started