Юрій Воєводін

Привіт! Я Юрій Воєводін

Маю багаторічний досвід програмування, ступінь бакалавра комп’ютерних наук

Я займаюся розробкою програмного забезпечення та пишу код мовою програмування Swift, в основному створюю додатки для iOS

Також я використовую фреймворк Ruby On Rails для власних проєктів


2022 - now
Software Engineer (iOS, Swift) at VistaCreate
Role and responsibilities:
  • Make completely new app Home screen
  • Write unit tests for cover app business logic
  • Build an app with a modular architecture
  • Work with analytics services Firebase, AppsFlyer, Iterable
  • Implement A/B tests
2020 - 2022
Software Engineer (iOS, Swift) at Clowder
Role and responsibilities:
  • Create clones (copies) of the Core product
  • Add customizations to the clones and enable/disable product modules
  • Integrate user profile with custom fields to the clones of the Core product
  • Work with Git by GitFlow methodology, resolve merge conflicts
  • Support existing apps and update to the latest version of the Core product
  • Create proposals and make changes in the Core
2020 - 2021
Software Engineer (iOS, Swift) at CoachNow (part time)

Main responsibility here is to support the CoachNow app (iOS and iPadOS) and add new features. It's an app with a long history (8+ years) and mixed codebase (Objective-C and Swift) with a lot of dependencies.

Role and responsibilities:
  • Rewrite code from Objective-C to Swift
  • Make code reviews
  • Publish new versions of the app to the TestFlight for internal testing
  • Publish new releases of the app to the App Store
  • Implement screen recording with ReplayKit framework
  • Implement "pinned posts" feature
  • Make improvement and fixes
2016 - 2020
iOS, iPadOS and macOS Apps Developer at App Dev Academy

I have participated in development, publication and support of 10+ iOS apps and one macOS app.

Role and responsibilities:
  • Create apps from scratch and design apps architecture
  • Create user interface with Storyboards and XIB files
  • Use UIKit and create custom UI components
  • Design a database architecture and use Core Data framework
  • Write code on Swift programming language
  • Implement networking layer - REST API
  • Integrate third-party dependencies

2012 - 2016
PHP Developer at bvblogic

I build websites on PHP programming language, using frameworks such as Laravel, Kohana, Codeigniter, Yii. Also, I used CSS3, HTML5, jQuery, and Bootstrap for the frontend. First experience of building and supporting commercial projects.

2012 - 2013
Senior Laboratory at Laboratory of distance learning at Sumy State University

I worked on simple training apps for students on Java and an internal framework. Also convert Microsoft Word documents to HTML pages as part of my job there.

2007 - 2008
Laboratory Technician at Polytechnic College of Konotop Institute of the SSU

At college, my job was to configure, maintain and update PCs on Windows 98 and XP. Also, I helped students to make homework done.

Skills and Technologies

Git GitFlow OOP POP SOLID Swift Concurrency MVC UIKit Storyboards Auto Layout SwiftUI Core Data REST API In-App Purchase TestFlight App Store Connect